Our voices

Nicola Cotugno, EPIICAL scientist

"I believe that my current research is strongly influenced by the concepts and approaches pursued by the EPIICAL consortium. Moreover, I feel that this project, more than any other in which I have participated, has given young researchers like me the opportunity to share work experiences with great scientists and top-level physicians in the field of paediatric HIV from all over the world. On the other hand, however, EPIICAL is a broad and extremely diverse consortium which aims to merge knowledge from different fields. I now feel that this complexity has greatly helped my personal growth and adaptability in future collaborative projects."

Domilique, a patient in the EARTH Study

"I agreed for Domilique to participate in the EARTH study most of all because I wanted her to take the ARVs and have a healthy life. Domilique has been participating in the study for 6 months. Today he is well, growing up and healthy. He has put on so much weight that it is hard to nenecare (carry him on my back) now. I understand that, with his participation, I will help other children as well as my son."

Sara Dominguez, EPIICAL biostatistician

"We should invest more in paediatric research because children are those who have to live with the disease all their life and we have an opportunity to stop this."

Holly Peay, EPIICAL social scientist

"If we know what people are expecting, what they find acceptable or not acceptable, we can do a better job making sure we highlight things that might be more problematic or challenging for families so that they can understand when they agree to join the trial or not".

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